Cloud Security Alliance Certification Exam
We have found that even more important than actually passing the exam is sharing real world experiences with your peers and getting hands on access to systems to apply the best practices.
Cloud security alliance certification exam. This page also lists all online self paced and virtual instructor led courses being offered. The ccsk v4 exam preparation kit comes with everything you need to study to prepare for the ccsk exam. Available in multiple formats and locations you can find the most convenient training class scheduled near you. However isc and cloud security alliance the organization who founded ccsk collaborated to create the ccsp course and certification exam.
The cloud security alliance csa promotes the use of best practices for providing security assurance within cloud computing and provides education on the uses of cloud computing to help secure all other forms of computing. Formal training is an excellent way to improve your chances at successfully passing the exam. Because the cloud security alliance has developed the most widely adopted cloud security audit criteria and organizational certification we are uniquely positioned to lead industry efforts to ensure industry professionals have the requisite skill set for auditing the cloud environment. The certificate of cloud security knowledge ccsk is designed to ensure that a broad range of professionals with a responsibility related to cloud computing have a.
Csa is proud to collaborate with mcgraw hill and announce the release of the ccsk certificate of cloud security knowledge all in one exam guide written by csa authorized trainer graham thompson this book offers exam focused coverage of the latest cloud technologies including virtualization governance and security. The ccsp shows you have the advanced technical skills and knowledge to design manage and secure data applications and infrastructure in the cloud using best practices policies and procedures. The ccsp looks and feels like a cloud version of the cissp. Cloud security alliance csa training and education opportunities are available in multiple formats and cover a range of topics including the foundations of cloud security cloud architecture governance and compliance and more.
To that end csa has developed two courses that address these needs and which we highly recommend. The cloud security alliance csa promotes the use of best practices for providing security assurance within cloud computing and provides education on the uses of cloud computing to help secure all other forms of computing. Also isc is the same organization who developed the popular cissp designation. Earning the globally recognized ccsp cloud security certification is a proven way to build your career and better secure critical assets in the cloud.