Cm Security Master Vpn
That should have you.
Cm security master vpn. More than a simple antivirus for android security master is built with more powerful feature including. To protect your personal data you should use cm vpn to ensure a more secure wi fi connection. Protect your android device against virus content that can infect your applications and data. Intelligent diagnosis antivirus junk clean phone booster battery saver cpu cooler.
The company says it now protects more than 600 million phones. You can also prevent other people from browsing your private apps with the application lockingread more. Top news last month a case of master card personal data breach was reported in india. Cm security master has a built in vpn called safeconnect.
Like other top vpn apps sm allows users to change the server location. Safeconnect vpn security master antivirus vpn by cm presents the most easy to use free vpn proxy unblock solution. A free android anti virus to protect your device from potential attacks and virus threats. Cm security vpn the best free high speed vpn proxy with unlimited vpn connection time.
Antivirus vpn applock booster is cheetah mobile s one stop security maintenance and optimization app for android. When you enable safeconnect the app will encrypt the outgoing network traffic. Safe connect vpn though all users of cm security master have access to the company s safe connect vpn service the free version of the app is limited to 200mb of data per day. Created by cheetah mobile in beijing china cm security is an app exclusive to android devices.
Security master antivirus vpn applock. The original cm security upgraded to the security master and redefined the scope of phone security. Safeconnect vpn establishes a secured cyber environment as you need to block out hackers. Users can transfer 200 mb data with safeconnect.
It s provided absolutely free on the google play store and includes an extra feature that many other vpns never think to offer. Top news many people like to shop online but there are a lot of fake.